Basic of Law
1. Law No. 13 th 1980 about Street
2. Law No. 8 th 1981 about KUHP
3. Law No. 14 th 1992 about National Police
4. Police Basic Law No.2 th 2002 about National Police
Ø Traffic direction is all activities the traffic in the street
Ø The purpose of directing :
1. To control the traffic
2. To solving the traffic
3. To make the rider and the drive respect to the traffic law
4. To do the first action in the traffic accident
5. To do the police job in their place
Ø Directing function :
1. Traffic direction function is the job to direct the traffic by the police in the street
2. Traffic control function is the job to direct the traffic by traffic control devices
Ø Traffic control devices
1. Traffic sign
2. Traffic signal
Ø Traffic control task
1. Provide community service (Pelayanan masyarakat/YANMAS)
2. Carry out public education
3. Carrying out police duties
Ø Things that need attention
1. Completeness of the cuff and whistles at night plus a vest and a red flashlight
2. Strifec to be completed ticket BAP, BAP brief blank
3. When implementing treffic regulation in more than 2, strived not clustered
4. Must master the correct way of setting
5. About the situation of traffic flow
How to take a position :
a. Basic set of traffic behavior in state of perfect and authoritative
b. Easy position to perform the movement or position of the correct settings
c. Efforts to position in a higher place to consider the safety factor
d. At the time of the traffic with an attitude of rest and stay alert
Ø Aktivitas mengatur lalu lintas :
1. Menjawab semua pertanyaan tentang aturan-aturan setempat dan jalan atau jurusan terpendek dan termudah.
2. Melancarkan lalu lintas dengan memberitahukan kepada pemakai jalan.
3. Sewaktu-waktu dan tiap diperlukan mangadakan tindakan darurat guna penyaluran arus lalu lintas.
Dengan APIL (Alat Pemberi Isyarat Lalu Lintas)
· Scap Menhub No.62 th 1993
1. Dengan APIL 3 warna (merah, kuning, hijau) digunakan untuk mengatur kendaraan bermotor.
2. Dengan APIL 2 warna (merah, hijau) digunakan untuk mengatur kendaraan bermotor dan pejalan kaki.
3. Dengan 1 warna (merah/kuning) digunakan untuk memberikan peringatan bahaya dan bila harus hati-hati (kuning), serta bila merah pengemudi harus berhenti.
· Macam/cara pengaturan lalu lintas
Dengan gerakan tangan :
1. Memberikan lalu lintas
2. Melanjutkan kendaraan
3. Mempercepat kendaraan
4. Memperlambat kendaraan
5. Memberhentikan kendaraan
A. Knowladge of Signs or Road Marking
1. Sign that indicated hazzard warning (basic instruction yellow-black)
2. Sign that indicated the restriction and the watchful coment (white base, red instruction)
3. Sign that give clue (basic clue and white instruction)
4. Sign direction/alert (additional sign)
B. Basic Knowladge of Traffic Control
1. Stop for all majors
2. Stop for a particular direction (a certain majors)
3. Stop from the front of officer
4. Stop from the back of officer
5. Stop from the front and back officer
6. The road from the right officers
7. The road from the left officer
8. The road from the right and left officers
9. The road from the right and left officer
10. Accelerate the right direction officer
11. Accelerate the left direction officer
12. Slow from the front of officer
13. Slow from the back of officer
C. The Meaning of PKS Symbol
1. Shield
a. PKS as a protection society
b. PKS is protected by law
2. Wheels
a. PKS is single entity
b. PKS is traffic regulator
3. Wing of 4 strands
Chess is a fow that police work guide lines
4. Strand of 7 hair
Sapta marga which is the promise ABRI/TNI
5. Rice and cotton
Prosperty and welfare
D. Traffic Congestion
Is a condition on network that occur as use increase and is aharacterized by slower speed longer trip time, and increase queuing the most common example is the physical use of roads by vehicles, when traffic demand is great enough that the interaction between vehicles slows the speed of the traffic stream congesion is incures (or of the interaction a long the road), extreme traffic congesion sets i when vehicles are fuliys speed for periode of known as a traffic jam.
E. Congestion has a Number of Negatives Effect
1. Was thing time motorize and passanger (opportunity cost) as a non productive activity for most peoples, congesion reduces regional economic health.
2. Delays which may result in lace arrival for employments, meating and education, resulting in lost business, diciplinary action or other personal loses.
3. In ability forecast travel time accuratelly, leading to drives alocating more time to travel just in cast and less time on productive activity.
4. Fuels incrase air pollution and emmisions of carbon dioxide (which can contributed to global warming), because of increased warming and the acceleration and breaking. Increase use of fuels can also in theory cause the increase in fuel costs.
F. Traffic Accident
Traffic accident was the incident in which a motor vehicle collision with another object that causes damages.
Factors affecting accidents : Human, Vehicles, Road, and Environmental or weather
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